It has been a long time since I have witnessed a script that utilizes the technique of "subversion" so tactfully. The initial half cleverly diverges into various paths with not just one, but three distinct plotlines running parallel to each other.
Even though Initially you might find yourself quite confused, struggling to comprehend the purpose of it all.
However, rest assured, all your confusion will be dissipated and your queries will be addressed at appropriate times, which specifically transpires in the latter portion of the second half.
And trust me, the final act will astonish you and leave you profoundly moved.
Now I will refrain from revealing anything more to avoid any inadvertent spoilers, though I will say this; if you are a seasoned viewer, well-versed in "foreign cinema", you might be able to anticipate the concluding twist from afar.
On the contrary, if you are fresh to this particular genre or lack exposure to "World Cinema," brace yourself for an unforgettable revelation!
P. S. Kashyap maybe going through tough times as a 'director', but as an 'actor' he continues to evolve with each character he commits himself to. He nailed his role here, especially in the last ten minutes, that will certainly leave a mark!