This is a pretty bad found footage horror movie that I have seen, but it isn't the worst. It's interesting how the opening is different with a woman receiving a package that contains the footage. The actual story is standard with a group of people going to an abandoned prison to look for something. It's easily predictable and mostly uses cheap jump scares throughout. One interesting thing is that current characters are teleported to somewhere else, and I guess it reflects something that I don't know about. This is a mixed bag with current scenes that have decent tension to it, while some it outright ridiculous on how it was executed. There are some chilling moments in the movie, like one of the characters gets burned alive and one of the ghosts staring at the camera. But the movie isn't scary at all because it happened pretty quickly to have any tension to it. There's also them finding a strange girl who mostly does generic supernatural force towards the characters and saying rather generic things. I have nothing to say about the characters because all of them are extremely bland and aren't that likable at all. The movies don't give us a reason why we should feel for these characters, and they lack any development for them. And the acting is pretty bad in this movie. There's little to say about the special effects of the movie. Some of these ghosts have blank eyes to them, which looks rather generic looking but with expectation of one. Now, most of the found footage is done by characters wearing glasses cameras, which is an interesting concept for a found footage movie. Also, I want to point out that some of the sounds designed in the opening and one of the teleportation scenes are pretty bad.
616 Paranormal Incident is best forgotten because this movie is both bad and dull. It's not the worst one that I have seen, but I would not recommend checking out.