The entire Movie is a straight up insult to the viewers willing suspension of disbelief and to make it through you have to willingly suspend any and all function of your brain.
One really has to ask the question how little anyone responsible for this cared about the general concept of Filmmaking as a whole, to think it was a good Idea, to take an extremely one-dimensional comic-relief-character from a Teenie-Franchise about a dysfunctional school and send her on an epic quest through a fantasy world with castles and dragons.
All of this wouldn't even be half as offensive if the entire point of the character in question wasn't to point fingers and make fun of the lower class population, instead of asking the question what the issue with trapping and abandoning people in poverty could be, which should've been outdated even when the first movie of the franchise hit the cinema in 2013.
German Film Funding will put money into anything that is backed by an already successful franchise (by domestic standards anyways) and you basically get free tax-payer money to fund absolute dumpster fires like these, keeping an entire film-crew busy that could've worked on something more meaningful in the meantime. But if you're a young, talented writer, who thinks outside the box and has ideas for something fresh, new or dare I say experimental even, good luck pitching any ideas to the officials responsible. So much talent going to waste in this broken industry.
It's as if the Middle-Finger in the Movie's Poster was meant literally, insulting not only the viewer for watching this crap but also the entire-german movie industry, saying:"Look what we can get away with while you will never get to realize your dreams.". Poetry.