While it is admirable to watch an LGBTQ themed film, I felt there was scope for so much more. Casting two appealing actors who are so uncomfortable with being perceived as gay is so deeply unconvincing for the audience. It was after watching this film that I felt that perhaps casting queer characters (who are comfortable with their sexuality) would have made so much of a difference. The vibe between the two protagonists were those of two besties rather than lovers. The embrace, or kiss, if it was one at all, might have passed had it been a pantomime. Certainly not for a film. That the heterosexual kiss was more convincing than the embrace of the two queer men was an absolute shame. The comic elements in the script was what worked well. One moment that stood out for me was the grandmother being accepting of her grand-son-in-law knowing that he too is a child created by God. What we definitely need are films with actors who are comfortable embodying their characters.