I like the reverse gender control. It was a very interesting take on the idea and executed very well. The visuals were great! The plot was a bit boring and sporadic at times which made it hard to watch.
The idea of gender reversal, at this time (present history) was definitely a risky time to do this but they carried the idea well enough. It really did make men seem useless and women more naively arrogant. The flow of the story helped to lessen these things but they were still glaringly obvious. Which lowered the value in my opinion.
The visuals were beautiful! Everything looked so crisp and clean yet the colors were so vibrant it made it inviting. That was something I haven't seen in anything entertainment wise in a long time! It reminded me how it you can make the surroundings (background) more inviting not just appealing, it can really grab your audience's attention.
The plot was boring and didn't really go anywhere so it was a boring watch and a very uneventful ending.