Watched the first 4 episodes. It's turning into a mob mentality against Jeff. Jeff never asks for or expects anything free, but a trade so there's benefit all around.
And so far Jeff has been the most fair and square one, and least back biting of them all.
And what have I seen Waz do? No fishing,hunting, scavenging or foraging. Just Laying on his fat ass convincing his partner to talk Jeff's partner into tapping out. Waz is slimy devious and he was the most self righteous one to start with.
Naked and afraid has been one of my favorite shows because there was so little low character deviousness to it.
This new format has really brought out the duplicitous self righteous judgemental snake in the grass, pot calling the kettle black, drama that I see enough in real life, thank you.
I'm only watching it until Jeff wins or he's gone. He's the only one with REAL integrity.