In a small town, Blue Jean (Wren Walker) is the owner of a strip club that grieves the death of her boyfriend Lucas. She decided to sell the club and she is promoting a farewell night for clients. Four Mexican workers come to the bar to celebrate the oil they found in a coal mine but they do not feel well. When they go to the restroom, they turn into bizarre creatures. Meanwhile Blue's stepson, the troublemaker Logan (Madison J. Loos), arrives in the bar in a stolen car chased by two police officers. He hides in Blue's office but soon people are attacked by the monsters wreaking havoc on the club. Blue Jean and the other survivors have to fight to destroy the creatures and save their lives.
"Peelers" is a terrible horror film with a storyline that is a sub product of "Zombie Strippers". However "Peelers" is messy B-movie, with a lame and corny story without the necessary humor for this type of film. The last part is awful, with the participation of the guy that bought the strip club. The brilliant deduction of the survivors that the creatures would be affected by water or beer is maybe the dumbest part of this flick. Further, when the viewer expects that this movie has finished, there are other scene in the credits. My vote is three.
Title (Brazil): Not Available