The documentary Sharksploitation casts a broad net in the surprisingly deep waters of Hollywood's fin-tastic obsession with sharks. From the blockbuster Jaws to the viral Sharknado, filmmaker Stephen Scarlata leaves no reef unturned. Even when the movie gets a little long in the tooth, Scarlata delivers interviews aplenty backing his thesis that when it comes to shark movies, you are gonna need a bigger boat.
Through the oversaturation of SyFy movie events and Asylum Films content bombing, Hollywood might have jumped the shark on originality (Ghost Shark, Sand Sharks, Avalanche Sharks anyone?) but the need for good laughs and overall escapism still exists. Sharksploitation reels in the continued mystique of these creatures even when the featured interviews begin churning up repetitive responses.
Scarlata's efforts prove that sharks are still mysterious and remain scary. Regardless if they are pets to a James Bond villain or drop from the sky in a storm cloud, once that circling fin dips into the deep below, anything can happen.
Whether you are a fan of Spielberg's stage-setter, prefer watching Ozark Sharks with a side of cheese, or go diving with great whites, Sharksploitation is perfect for anyone to sink their teeth into.