I was born in Carteret County and live here now with my family. This county is rotten with corruption, past and present. What was done to these men is appalling and incomprehensible and the county should pay for it tenfold. Look at our past Sheriff's department corruption. This story needs national attention so that the Carteret County judicial system will be brought to it's knees and held accountable for the egregious acts committed upon Melvin and Licurtis. Let's investigate Adam's Creek Associates and the judge who granted Sheldon rights to the heirs property. I will guarantee you there were Carteret County commissioners on the planning board for the planned subdivision on Silver Dollar Road, and I would greatly assume that the last name Wheatley was involved in this escapade. Investigate and bring these men to justice, Carteret County needs a deep cleansing of it's corruption and quickly at that. Too many judges, lawyers, and a particular nameless Sheriff here who think they hold the cards to play out however they intend. Bring the State Bureau down to Carteret County and trust me they would have a field day with all they will find. Let's get started and turn this county around for the better, time to get rid of all the bad actors here.