Directed by Roshan Andrews after the debacle Casanova, scripted by deadly duo Bobby & Sanjay. One of the brilliant script in recent past by B&S as usual emotional quotient as their major backdrop and they handle it subtly, this shows their intellectual melange with meticulously written screenplay. This cop flick deviate from usual cop investigation and ended up as daringly different one. Some may deplore strongly against climax, but for me after thinking for a while i found it terrific ending. Prithviraj(Moses A) cataclysm behavior as a disguise and as confused (Moses B) both were scintillating, his performance was just tad above the script. Songs were not included but BGM was good but in chase scene it was jarring. Prithviraj & Rahman were mostly the cynosure of the film. Cinematography was good. Weakest point in the whole movie is the pace, it was done in a lethargic manner but only for 1st half. 2nd half was top-notch and engaging and make it a edge of the seat type thriller. Highly recommended for thriller aficionado. For others might not be fully delectable but it arrest and indulge the viewers on the seat.