If you're looking for the usual, poorly written anime which relies merely on objectifying women, then this title isn't for you.
Though this is likely the best rom-com anime of the year. It was adorable from start to finish. The characters were beautifully drawn, with far more facial expression than you'd usually see in an anime. As an animator, I was impressed.
The plot was fresh and original as well. They didn't rely on the usual crutches of "hot springs" or other common gimmicks some anime's will utilize. Instead they masterfully told a story from a very unique point of view, that of a deaf woman and her struggle to live and be accepted in a normal life... and they did it brilliantly. Their depiction of the main character Yuki must have been written with first hand experience. Their empathy and perspective was truly original and I want more.
On par with "My Dress-Up Darling" (possibly even better). Hopefully we see another season, and soon.