I am more than a little familiar with Monica Richardson and her life- long compulsion to demonize A.A.. Problem is she wishes to paint the picture that A.A. somehow has a magical monopoly on con artists and sexual criminals while the rest of the world wanders about with rainbows and unicorns in complete safety.
There were women in the film who came forward and talked about the traumatic sexual assaults they endured as a result of relationships they formed in AA. It is, of course, always upsetting to hear about the level of sickness that has run amok in the world that lurk behind unsuspecting corners. And while there is a general hope that AA will be a safe place for people much like riding the bus, going to a bar or dating online, you just don't know who you are talking to. There are no regulations about who attends AA, which is part of the reason it has worked so well for so many years.
While I am glad the film sheds light on this important issue and hopefully inspires people to be cautious, AA is all open to all who seek it as a place to find sobriety, not physical protection from the public.
There also was, at a time, several low budget interviews available on the internet in which Ms Richardson can be heard sounding anything but professional in her childish snickering about A.A. in general and the people in it. But of course, with her shiny new production out those had to be eradicated save her reputation.
Monica hates A.A., and can only garner an audience with others who do as well.
Monica relies on the fact that most people know little or nothing about the inter workings of an A.A. fellowship and uses this to fan flames were none need be. She relies on the most fundamental quick-to-judge aspects of human nature that is easy to cultivate in the ignorant.
If there is any one observation Ms Richardson even gets half right, it's her observation that many criminal courts sentence criminals to A.A. at everyone else's risk, and it's a bad idea. I agree with this. Again, the problem is she blames A.A. for this. A.A. is not any kind of law making legislative body and doesn't control this process. A.A., under the law, must comply. She might have suggested some kind of process for protesting and thus changing the court's mind, where the responsibility actually lies, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it?
Her well polished production is a non-truth and a highly slanted and even mean-spirited message for those with a taste for blood. Nothing more