This "your favorite thing from childhood ruined" as a genre of documentary is getting so tiresome. We all have heard that the Lisa Frank corporation was terrible to work for, but there's nothing in this documentary that's very different from literally any corporate work environment. I think the producers of this documentary were hoping for it have some shock factor because Lisa Frank's imagery is so bubbly and cute that maybe the contrast of the work environment would be surprising, but the only people who would be shocked by this are people who have never worked anywhere before lol. Not to undermine what employees went through, yes it was horrible, but the documentary itself is not worth watching. You could make this same exact documentary for most any corporate job.
There was very little interesting footage and almost nothing about Lisa herself, it's more about the company and less about her as a person. Without having any sort of human element to this doc, it's very forgettable. They try to bring in some emotional element to this by having her son talk about the divorce in a way that feels very out of place and unnecessary.
The only highlight was getting to see some of the artists who were involved throughout the years. And there was a clip from Frank's wedding that was neat but nothing else. If they wanted to capitalize on the nostalgia element, they could have at least touched on that better.