One of the BEST documentaries I have ever seen. I laughed quite a bit at these people and their delusional, out-of-touch-with-reality mindsets. They're stuck in Narcissistic Mode. But then I stopped laughing after they got through all the recorded interrogations when they showed how Netanyahu's and Wife's twisted minds and the twisted minds of their "cohorts" has resulted in War for no other reason other than to stall his trial, keep him out of jail and in power. We got one lone wolf that just killed a healthcare CEO, you bet they went after him, got him and there will be no delay or doubt where he's going. But we've got these Leaders killing 10's and 100's of thousands of people, using them basically as HUMAN SHIELDS! Putin, your day's coming too! The times Netanyahu and his Alcoholic, Diamond Crazy Wife told police interrogators "they (the interrogators) should be ashamed" ... I'm like MAN, these people belong in an insane asylum. They've wracked up so much Shame they should be drowning in it. They have absolutely NO SHAME - NO HUMANITY. - A huge Thank You, Bravo! Standing ovation! ... to everyone involved in the making of this Excellently DONE Documentary about the reality of those in Power from high to low, they're all the same character ... narcissists/sociopaths, PSYCHPATHS. Major SERIAL KILLERS DELUXE VERSIONS! Why does the MAJORITY put up with them????