I just watched the last two episodes back to back and I didn't want it to end!!! Absolutely incredible writing!!! Kudos to the writers for those two episodes!
There were a few flaws though but none the less it was incredibly entertaining and took my breath away! Any show that can fool the audience as to who the suspect is....Keep the audience on the edge of their seat and make them forget to breathe, is a show that deserves the best of reviews! I don't know why there were other reviews with negative views...Compared to most shows, The Whispers, rules!
I have the feeling of not being able to wait until next season! I'm hooked and cant wait to see how the second season pans out.
Also thanks to the cameraman for not making a shaky picture. Some shows really over shake the camera to bring on a different approach or feel of the scene but it's most often not needed.
Great show! Great actors!
Thank you for restoring my TV show interest!