The animated series W. I. L. D. Zero immediately attracts attention with its bright and high-quality animation, which creates a picturesque world filled with dynamics and bright colors. Each frame is executed with care, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of adventure and drama.
The plot, which centers on the story of Vlad Shaturov's (as we learned, this is the name of the main character) revenge for the death of his brother, is also worth noting. The narrative develops in a tense manner, and although it may seem somewhat predictable, it nevertheless holds interest thanks to intriguing twists and character interactions.
Unfortunately, the dialogues leave much to be desired. They sometimes look flat and unnatural, which reduces the overall impression of the characters and their interactions. This creates the feeling that some moments could have been more profound and memorable if the writers had tried harder with the dialogues.
It is also worth noting the problems with the musical accompaniment. The soundtrack sometimes doesn't match what's happening on the screen, which distracts from the plot and creates dissonance in perception. At moments when the tension reaches its peak, the music may seem out of place, which certainly affects the overall impression of the cartoon series.
Overall, W. I. L. D. Zero is an interesting project with excellent animation and a good plot, which, unfortunately, suffers from weak dialogue and problems with the musical accompaniment. Despite these shortcomings, the cartoon series is worth your attention and can be an exciting entertainment for fans of the genre. Rating: 7 out of 10.