Initially, I was embarrassed to admit that I enjoyed watching the few episodes that I saw, but why should I be? Although it's not award winning TV, this show has some positive things going for it. Number one, it's entertaining. The situations are funny. In one episode, a young lady gets cold feet about dating in the buff, puts on her clothes, and declares that she's leaving the island. The contestants are wacky. One scatter-brained woman couldn't stop giggling and was wondering why she couldn't hold on to any guys for very long. And then there are the joys of seeing a shapely butt, as that is the most you're going to see as there is no full frontal nudity. I'm sure some people think this show is stupid but there are dumber reality shows on TV viz., Big Brother and The Kardashians, which I refuse to watch. Even The Bachelor has less entertainment value, in my opinion. See? I can be a snob too!