I have a disclaimer, "I do not like soaps at all". Every soap that I accidentally saw growing up with my family made me realize why I hated soaps. Why am I telling all this? Because "Jane the Virgin", is unlike any other soap I have ever seen. Most soaps are boring, tedious, unnecessary twists, stretched, overly dramatic and too serious or trying too hard to be funny. The best thing about this show is that it avoids all of these mistakes.
This show can be taken and is a good satire on soaps in general and telenovellas in particular but it also has merits of its own. It doesn't solely rely on making fun on other soaps to be successful. It is genuinely funny and has enough twists to keep the audience engaged. Also the little messages the show gives in a few moments in every other episode are real and relatable to us average mortals.
The show also has a wonderful take on life in general. It tells us that we should not take our lives too seriously and not everything is in our control. We think most of the times that we are the leaders of our destiny and we can shape our lives any way we want. Yes to a certain extent we can but we should never rule our environment and the part played by it in our destiny. The show even goes a step beyond this general realization that I stated, it teaches us how with all the unexpected turns and twists in life we keep growing and moving on and life never stops. This is the sort of outlook on life the show promotes and it is a very good message in my opinion. Every one should watch this show! :)