This should be forcibly shown to everyone. If we force people to sit through the drudgery that is school, or work, THIS is far more important and enlightening than any science or math class. Anyone saying this viewpoint is naive obviously knows nothing of the world they live in - they simply exist in the paradigm, relying on others to tell them where they live and what space they occupy. You can tell that these people and anyone like them have a FAR DEEPER understanding of the natural world, which goes beyond what science can tell you, especially from these people who are really actors themselves like Degrasse Tyson. Science has convoluted this truth into bits and pieces, material things which they have convinced you that you need. The problem is that, because someone actually shows respect, they are disrespected. Unfortunately these people will also not take up arms to defend themselves, thus they are unjustly forced out of their homes because people need to eat chocolate and wash with fancy soaps. Globalisation IS a problem because we have gotten away from the truth of how the world works, in favor of manipulating it, trying to solve problems with more problems, ultimately only leading up to a reliance on government and useless human beings who have zero interest in actually positively building up the world around them. But to each their own - despite the fact that NONE of us are given a choice - we are FORCED into this god forsaken corrupt commercial and material lifestyle which does nothing but generate trash and waste, including out of the bodies of the people themselves (i.e. people are trash).