"This movie needs to be seen by everyone."
I heard someone saying that as I was leaving one of the New York shows of The Spectacular Jihad of Taz Rahim. It's a statement that really resonated with me and one that I whole-heartedly agree with.
To be straight to the point, the positives of the film were:
1. The Performances: The film was perfectly cast. Every member of the lead cast played there part to a 'T'. No one missed a note. The strength of the movie has to be Taz Rahim himself - it's a character that could have been taken many different directions, good or bad, but the energy, vulnerability, and charm that Islam brought to the character was tantamount. I can't envision anyone else who could play 'Taz'. Islam's growth as an actor from his 1st film to his 2nd film is obvious, here he is like a new age Johnny Depp.
2. The Music: Enjoy the music in theater. You can thank me later.
3. The Story/Direction: No doubt this is an important story with a sensitive subject. To tell it the way director Raghav Murali decided to tell it was very unique. I really appreciated the dark humor he brought to the table. I can only imagine how I would react if someone was trying to recruit me as a terrorist. He did it without being too preachy and the film was an out and out entertainer. The screenplay hit all the right marks.
Yes, there were some technical flaws and I wish the team had a bigger budget to increase the scale of the film but it is still a great film. More importantly, it breaks the monotony that Bollywood is giving us and the 2nd generation NRI identity crisis film that we seem to get every year. It's a film, with great performances, that shows the human side of our world.
Moreover, it's a smart film that doesn't take itself too seriously nor does it insult the audience. I can't wait to watch it again to put all the pieces together. It's definitely a film that stays with you after you're done watching it.