The review for this movie can easily be summarized in one word thrash.
The writing was uninspired and really didn't even make sense. It's like the writers were more focused on trying to fit in as many clichés as possible and not on an actual story. With the first half an hour you'll lose count of the number of clichés you've seen. There are so many clichés that you will cringe all the way through.
Apart from John Abrham the acting was not good. John Abraham managed to capture all that could be caught of his character but the other actors in this film showed that they only know how to do one thing and that is overacting.
This film's music was repetitive to the point in got annoying.
Honestly this film is a borderline human rights violation, watching it felt like torture. Oh and when at the start when it says, "no animals were harmed in the making of this film" that statement is very hard to believe when you lions chains. The purpose of the lions in the scene also didn't really make sense and just left you wondering what was the point of torturing those poor animals.
If I could I would give this movie 0