This movie is wayyy too long. I wanted to like it, but by the time the final 40 minutes came around, I found myself wishing he'd just take his damn foot off! First off, it's a bit of a daft story-line, the army just wouldn't abandon soldiers, sandstorms or not. Two days in one position and your leg would go numb. Hell... mine goes to sleep when I cross my legs for more than five minutes these days! I have a gripe about the casting of the black man, played by Clint Dyer (I know - who?). Why get an English actor, or for that matter an American to do the voice of an indigenous tribesman slash Nomad? Are there no actors who have a more suitable accent? It all adds to the realism. His accent was appalling and clichéd, almost comical. Well, a few things happen over the next two days (and boy does it seem every minute of 48 hours). It feels as though the movie has genuinely been that long by the end. By the time you get to the retrospective look at our hero's past, you genuinely want him to just get on with it, it just goes on and on and on. Then the painful drawn out end is just too much. I found myself just wanting the movie to stop before I broke something. I think I started to lose focus around 43 minutes in. It's always a bad sign when you are looking at how long is left and an even worse one when you can remember the exact time you looked afterwards. The whole movie was just over the top, like the music and swelling orchestral accompaniment, which shouts 'I want you to be moved' instead of the film and events actually moving you. The movie is easily summed up as: man steps on mine, man steps off mine - the end. There is no more substance to it unfortunately. A lot more interesting things could have happened. The acting is fine, but how hard is it to play such an unchallenging role? The end is a bit unsatisfactory as well, it can be seen coming a mile off, so that is a further letdown. I wouldn't view this a second time if I had free tickets. I have more things to do with my life, like chewing my own arm off, or sticking pins in my eyes - both of which would be more pleasurable.