Suspenseful start, some intrigue, action, then drags on a bit. This is a daytime soap version of John Grisham's 'Runaway Jury' for all intents & purposes.
It's a political, conspiracy type thriller with a few twists. A child is kidnapped, held for ransome & then it all goes wrong. Jurors on the case are sequestered after 1 of them gets targeted & the show is off to a good start.
An entertaining enough farce, but the acting is a bit off & flat to say the least (& I've liked one or two of the actors in other things (Bruce Davison & Dina Meyer - definitely not at their best here!) but the rest were totally wooden & hammy).
The twists were mostly transparent & part of me wanted to throw french fries at the screen, but that would be a complete waste of decent calorific content (but I'm greedy & nosey & wanted to know what happened at the end = pushover (but after the french fries, you might have a task on your hands!)).
I'm writing this before I've reached the end, so, hopefully I won't be too disappointed. If you like cheesey B-Movies, then this will keep you entertained, but won't fill you up. It's not taxing & is the TV version of a burger & fries at rush hour on a Friday night - it's a long wait before you're served, but you'll be entertained whilst you wait & it fills the gap.