This film tells the story of a older woman, who falls for a handsome and charming young man in the office. She tries to develop a relationship with him, but things are not as easy as it seems.
The story of "Hello, My Name is Doris" is really sweet. I think it is great that a romantic comedy portrays a woman that is older, tapping into a market and into hearts that have largely been neglected. Doris is lovable, happy and full of energy. John, the handsome colleague, is very charming both within and without. It is easy to see how ladies fall for him. The story is funny in a good and positive way, without being offensive or gross. It is refreshing to see a romantic comedy to rely on the charming personalities of the two leads, without having resort to low level humour. The ending makes me gasp, as it seems rather open ended! I enjoyed watching it, and I will recommend others to watch it too.