Lucille Knox(1923-1990)
- Interprete
Lucille Knox è nata il 30 giugno 1923. Luogo di nascita: Usa. È conosciuta come attrice. È celebre per aver partecipato a La sete del potere (1954), Ho sposato un pilota (1953) e My Little Margie (1952). È stata sposata con Cancellieri, Nicholas e Rose, Michael Joseph. Morì il 22 luglio 1990. Luogo di morte: Usa.
Serie TV
- Supporting Player
- Girl on Slab
- Deadeye's Commercial Assistant
- Neighbor in Willie Sketch
- Blonde Woman Outside Apartment Bldg
- Castaway
- Wife in Introductory Skit
- Secretary in EZ Loan Sketch
- Baseball Player's Wife-Opening Sketch
- Mrs. Jones-Opening Sketch
- Baby's Mother-Birthday Skit
- Nurse-Educational Sketch
- Woman Passing Newstand-Opening Skit
- Blonde Nurse-Hospital Sketch
- Texas Cowgirl-Deadeye Sketch
- Nurse-Hemoglobin Skit
- Cigarette Girl-Ambulance Skit
- Restaurant Patrol (Skit)
- Commercials
- Movie Theater Patron-Opening Sketch
- Baby Nurse-Bum's Rush Skit
- Deadeye's Gal
- Pilgrim Woman in Stocks
- Mrs. Smith-Hotel Sketch
- Model-Photographer Skit
- Teacher-Graduation Sketch
- Miss Bicuspid-Dental Skit
- Mrs. John Q. American
- Sketches
- The Sheriff
- Lucy
- Baseball Fan
- Lucy - Teenage Daughter
- Woman in Folding Boy Skit
- Blonde Saloon Gal in Tornado Sketch
- Woman in Railway Station
- Woman in Phone Booth in Telephone Sketch
- Woman With Shopping Cart in Announcer Skit
- Maid in Dinner Sketch
- Lady Waiting for Bus in Weepy Sketch
- Daughter in Mother's Day Skit
- Lucy Knoch - Woman on the Street
- Yummie Yummie Pie Girl
- The General
- Beaverhead's Assistant
- Magician's Assistant-Magic Sketch
- Dance Hall Norma-Laredo Skit
- Pharmacy Clerk
- Pharmacy Skit
- Ballerina
- Specter in Rose Sketch
- Woman Who Kisses McPugg
- the Maid-Willie Sketch
- Woman on Campaign Platform-San Fernando Skit
- Lady Bridget-Trial Sketch
- Saloon Gal-Deadeye Skit
- Woman in Pharmacy Soda Shop
- French Mademoiselle
- Model in Artist and Model Skit
- Woman at Gym Door
- Woman Observing Chess Match
- Blonde in Laredo skit(as Lucille Knoch)