(November 26 to December 26, 1998) He played Dick Wilkins, Topper and Businessman in Jon Jory and Marcia Dixcy Jory's adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel, "A Christmas Carol," in a Holiday Favorites production at the Actors Theatre of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky with Pete Webb (Guard, Sailor); Luke Glaser (Modern Child, Tiny Tim, Ignorance); Joseph Goldammer (Modern Child, Boy Scrooge, Townsperson); Claire Anne Longest (Modern Child, Fan, Belinda Cratchit, Want); Mark Sawyer-Dailey (Modern Man, Dum, Fezziwig, Old Joe); Laurie Williams (Modern Lady, Narrator, Mrs. Cratchit); Adale O'Brien (Narrator, Mrs. Fezziwig, Mrs. Dilber); Bruce McKinzie (Fred, Marley, Businessman): Woodwyn Koons (Narrator, Fezziwig Daughter, Serious Sister); V Craig Heidenreich (Scrooge); Kevin Blake (Alexander, Young Ebenezer, Miner); Jon Brent Curry (Bob Cratchit); Fred Major (Dee, Ghost of Christmas Present, Narrator); Tony Speciale (Peter Cratchit, Fezziwig Guest); Preston Dyches (Fezziwig Guest, Miner, Turkey Boy); Katie Blackerby (Ghost of Christmas Past, Martha Cratchit); Linda Halaska (Belle, Mrs. Fred); Robert W. Marcato (Fezziwig Guest, Ghost of Christmas Future, Townsperson) and Alice L. Johnson (Fezziwig Guest, Caroline) in the cast. Cameron Carsisle, Andrea Clark, Ginna Hoben, Uma Incrocci, David A. Matranga and Bryan Richards played the townspeople and party guests. Frazier Marsh was director.