Stage Play: Mr. Sycamore [The Saga of John Gwilt in Eight Verses]. Comedy. Written by
Ketti Frings [earliest Broadway credit], from a story by
Robert Ayre. Directed by
Lester Vail. Guild Theatre: 13 Nov 1942- 28 Nov 1942 (19 performances). Cast:
Stuart Erwin (as "John Gwilt") [Broadway debut],
Lillian Gish (as "Jane Gwilt"),
Enid Markey (as "Estelle Benlow"),
Walter F. Appler (as "Mr. Fernfield"),
Harry Bellaver, Albert Bergh (as "Mr. Oikle"), Helen Brown (as "People of Smeed"),
Russell Collins (as "Reverand Doctor Doody"), Barbara Dale (as "People of Smeed"), Helen Dodson (as "People of Smeed"), Jed Dooley (as "Mr. Hammond"),
Franklyn Fox (as "Fletcher Pingpank"), Kenneth Hayden (as "Second Milkman/People of Smeed"), Mary Heckart (as "Emily/People of Smeed"), Pearl Herzog (as "Daisy Staines"),
Otto Hulett (as "Fred Staines"), Ray J. Largay (as "Mr. Hoop"), Louise McBride (as "Julie Fish/People of Smeed"), Peggy Opdycke (as "People of Smeed"),
John Philliber (as "Abner Coote"), Rupert Pole (as "Third Milkman/People of Smeed"),
Leona Powers (as "Myrtle Staines"), Harry Sheppard (as "Ned Fish"),
Buddy Swan (as "Albert Fernfield"), Ernest Theiss (as "First Milkman/People of Smeed"), Harry Townes (as "Tom Burton"), Albert Vees (as "People of Smeed"). Produced by The Theatre Guild. Notes: (1) One of the biggest flops of the 1942 Broadway season. (2) Filmed by Capricorn Productions [distributed by Film Ventures International (FVI)] as
Mr. Sycamore (1975).