Psycho III (1986)] Oh my God, my audition. My audition was really cool! I walked in there naked and he said "You're hired!" No, just kidding! I walked into the audition and I knew Tony was going to be there, but it didn't really phase me. I was so new at acting and I had just walked in. I will say that the moment I walked in, it was kind of like
La donna che visse due volte (1958). Tony was sitting on the chair and it was almost like the camera pulled back as I walked in. He just put out his hand and smiled and introduced himself. And he said, "Let's work." I didn't know who he really was at the time that I auditioned.
And I didn't really care, I just did the work, and I remember I flipped him off, gave him the bird in the middle of the scene and walked out the door. And I left, I didn't come back into the room. My agent called me and said, "Where are you?" I said, "I'm in my car, I'm going back home." You didn't even go back in? There was no need to! The scene was over! I didn't know I was supposed to go back in! And they said you got the job. He was funny. You guys don't know that he was so funny. He was a little bit dark, but he was very passionate about what he did and he really loved life. He loved every second being on the set. And he loved actors and loved people. He loved what he did. Yeah, and I loved him. He was a really neat person.