Two fiction films interrupt his career as a documentary filmmaker. In 1937, Dekeukeleire directed a peasant drama scripted by Herman Teirlinck entitled 'Het Kwade Oog/Le Mauvais Oei'l based on his play "De vertraagde film "(1922), in the vicinity of Oudenaarde (Flemish Ardennes) with non-professional actors.
The second, The Hunt for the Cloud, a failed science fiction film, led him into a dead end. In order to get out of it, the filmmaker called on two journalists (Antoine Allard and Armand Bachelier) to write additional scenes full of self-mockery with Paul Frankeur (who, two years earlier, had played in the only feature film of fiction by Henry Storck). This did not save the film (renamed An Atomic Cloud) which had no career. This failure tarnished the morale of the filmmaker who complained of lack of financial means.