(1968 season) James Alexander, Molly Atwood, Paul Ballantyne, Don Barshay, Emery Bettis, Douglas Campbell, Helen Carey, Len Cariou, Richard Cottrell, Nicholas DeJoria, David Feldshuh, Katherine Ferrand, Robin Gammell, Katherine Garnett, Ron Glass, Carol Gustafson, Allen Hamilton, Helen Harrelson, Paulette James, Charles Keating, James J. Lawless, Roberta Maxwell, Michael Moriarty, Robert Pastene, Lauri Peters, Alek Primrose, Richard Ramos, John Ramsey, Nancy Reardon, Lee Richardson, Michael Sevareid, Tony Swartz, Granville Van Dusen and he were members of the ensemble acting company at the Tyrone Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minnesota.