Chanin Hale(1928-2020)
- Interprete
Chanin Hale è nata il 3 settembre 1928. Luogo di nascita: Usa. È conosciuta come attrice. È celebre per aver partecipato a Synanon (1965), The Red Skelton Show (1951) e Hey, Landlord (1966). È stata sposata con Richard Rotherwood Bradshaw. Morì il 30 gennaio 2020. Luogo di morte: Usa.
Serie TV
- Silent Spot
- Daisy June
- Ruby
- Saloon Gal
- Actor
- Agent 707's Phone
- Auditionee at Nut Club
- Blond Neanderthal Woman
- Bubbles Laverne
- Bustles
- French Girl-Olio Spot
- Fumble''s Asst-Silent Spot
- Gay 90s Fiancee
- Gibson Girl- Silent Spot
- Girl in Diner-Silent Spot
- Girl on Park Bench
- Girlfriend--Silent Spot
- Grady's Girlfriend
- Hen
- Honey Bee-Silent Spot
- Housewife-Silent Spot
- Indian Maiden Sitting Pretty
- Judge Frances Gavel
- Lab Assistant - Silent Spot
- Lady Housefly-Silent Spot
- Lady Love in Gay 90s Skit
- Lana the Dental Assistant
- Maid
- Mrs. Lump Lump in Willie Sketch
- Myrtle
- Myrtle - Bolivar's Girlfriend
- Myrtlee Punk
- Newlywed
- Nurse
- Paul Pusher's secretary
- Rich Man's Wife -- Silent Spot
- Secretary
- Stagecoach Stewardess
- Sunbather -Silent Spot
- The Van Smythe's Maid
- Waitress-Cogburn sketch
- Wife -- Silent Spot
- Wife of Bridge Player-Silent Spot
- Wife-Silent Spot
- Wistful Hen
- Yachtsman's Girlfriend
- the Actress
- the Lady
- the Nanny