[on being cast as Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher game series] I was at the seaside with my family when I got the call from Eli Bednarek [
Elzbieta Kopocinska-Bednarek] and it was casting, as a matter of fact, it was already decided, but they still wanted to hear my voice. Because it was thought that I would be of use for just one of the characters. We arranged to meet about three times. There weren't many times when I could be in Warsaw. Later I was, but I didn't have much time to get there. And so I caught a flight at the last moment, having only a moment for recording. I entered the studio and only there did I get oriented as to what casting was. We had no special materials, only several sentences on a board. I entered the studio, we recorded the first rehearsal and I'll be honest, I waited with great impatience for the next thing to happen, how everything would be, whether it would work or not. Some time later, more or less after three or four days, I got the call that it was OK. We'll come over to do this once again, carefully, because it probably was not satisfactory. I came, I saw the intro to the game [
Wiedzmin (2007)], which in any case is excellent. I was inspired by these intros. Meanwhile, of course, I brushed up on [Andrzej] Sapkowski. And we began recording.