My biggest regret is I did not get that second chance. Why was I not
given that second chance? I deserved that second chance. It's so
unfair. I loved her, and that would never be gone. It's unfair and it's
so painful that almost two years after the relationship, she still
denies me. Before, whenever she calls me, I come to her rescue in a
heartbeat. No matter what other people say, Heart's still different.
She's my first love and I was her first love, so that's a big factor
why I can't get over her just like that. We're okay now. We're friends,
but that's it, purely friendship. Nobody could ever replace her in my
heart. She's been a part of my life and always will be. Our
relationship was too ideal that it's so hard to move on to a new
relationship. We were both born on February 14; I thought at that time,
we were soul mates. - On former girlfriend of 1 1/2 years Heart
Evangelista & on their failed relationship