'I wanted to be an actress as long as I can remember but got caught up
in the pursuit of making money and the business world. After I sold my
businesses I decided it was time I did something that was just for me
and not about making money. I was only interested in Film acting and I
found it hard to find training that only focused on that. I met an
actress at a party and she told me about Redroofs Film & TV School and
their Post Graduate Diploma in Screen Acting. It was the school Kate
Winslet originally trained at. I auditioned in Windsor and spent the
rest of the year at Bray Film Studios training. The course finished in
March last year and I have never looked back. Acting is far more
challenging than any business I have owned and run!'
'When you watch yourself on screen you are always highly critical, well
at least I am. There are many ways to play a part and once you've got
over the 'cringe' factor of seeing yourself on screen it is great to
say 'that was good' and 'I could of done that differently'. That what
was so good about working on 'Black Mountain' as the Director Andy
Sparrow would let me watch crucial scene takes on the monitor and then
let me do it again if I wasn't happy with it. I learned a lot by being
able to do that. Some actors never want to watch themselves on screen
but I am always asking for it as I really think it helps me as an