[on self-financing the
Katalin Varga (2009) shoot in Romania 2006 for £25,000] I was relatively wealthy for the first time in my life [an inheritance from his uncle] and realised that this might be my only chance to make a feature. Almost everyone said I was insane, suicidal, deluded, etc, and that it's impossible to make a film for less than £200,000 even in Romania. I had barely a third of that. There were many times when I seriously doubted what I was doing. I often thought of just buying a flat, as almost everyone advised. But I asked myself, 'Should I buy myself a one-bedroom flat in Bracknell or should I make a revenge film in Transylvania?' I think the main thing that kept me going was knowing that if I bought a flat, I would always wonder, 'What if?' Even if I failed, I would know I tried my very best.[2009]