Another Evil is one gem of a little film. Let the reference to 'little' not mislead you though - it's 'little' not due to lack of significance or quality, but because of its limited budget and its orientation towards a smaller audience (appreciators of intelligent minimalist horror comedy). The film seems to have been made by true enthusiasts of the genre who must have enjoyed every bit of making it. Another Evil is a good proof of the fact that it's not the budget and fancy special effects that make a good film but a quality script, skillful directing and good acting.
The Plot is simple. A family's house is haunted by evil (or not?) spirits and the man of the family invites a ghost specialist (or a ghost evictor?) to chase these spirits away from the house. The ghost man - a chubby and funny looking man (who first seems nice and friendly but eventually turns out to be totally bizarre weirdo) becomes very fond of the protagonist's company and does not seem to be wanting to part with the latter. He therefore extends the initially agreed term of the services and even offers to the protagonist a free-of–charge day (so that he can stay over a little longer with his new "best friend"). However, the protagonist does not quite share this affection (to put it lightly). He wants this weirdo to leave the house immediately, once and for all, even at the expense of some of the ghosts remaining in the premises. This is where the conflict begins and the comedy slowly picks up thriller elements, leading to unexpected events.
The film is hilarious, filled with irony and top quality subtle humor. The jokes are at times dry and somewhat dark, so they're definitely not for everyone, but the "right" audience will appreciate. The choice of the main actors was done very well (especially the ghost man) creating the right chemistry between the two.
Some tabloid could probably describe the film as "Cable Guy meets Conjuring" and this would probably be a pretty accurate description (despite the corniness). Overall, if you enjoy a good quality, subtle dark comedy and are a fan of John Landis/Sam Raimi movies, Another Evil is definitely worth checking out.