This could have been a really good movie, but I don't think they knew what to do with it. Theresa gets turned (into a vampire) and winds up at a registration place. It seems that vampires are known, and there are rules to follow, and then they are left alone simply as just one more predator in society. She is told to forget about what she saw in the movies about vampires. As far as the victim's bodies "we have people who handle that." She is told she is now forever 17, and will never age. She meets Allison, who becomes her guide to help her adjust to her new experience. "Don't feel bad, it is what we are." Her sense of smell and taste will be heightened. Children are extremely delicious, but that was more in the past as we are now in the time of Amber alerts and Nancy Glass. Theresa's first kills are told in flashbacks until she got registered. The story telling just turns into a mess and things are thrown in that really detract from the story. And a lot of that is that the movie is simply too long for what they had, so it got padded. It should have been more about the rules they needed to follow to live among the others, instead of throwing in the party scenes and the 'Mother". That would have been a chance for a fish out of water type of humor.