If I will scrawl some weird forms on canvas trying to imitate what Picasso was doing I can fool many untrained eyes. But it would still be rubbish. I saw this film yesterday at TIFF .15 and I must say I felt insulted. I watched many independent movies and this is the first one that made me exit the cinema. A very disturbing feeling was growing on me, the feeling that some frauds are scamming and mocking the indie lovers (not art film consumers, but indie lovers, there's a difference). I actually searched for the director and watched an interview with him about the film, hoping it was just me having a bad mood. His discourse/monologue was brutal, it seems like he couldn't even write a coherent YouTube comment, and that's me resisting the temptation of spiteful remarks. No wonder empty and bad acted 15 mins scenes were evoking 15 year old pseudo philosophy. The problem? I'll cite some smarter people than me who said: "There are, bluntly, too many lackluster, forgettable and just plain bad movies pouring into theaters, distracting the entertainment media and, more important, overwhelming the audience." Please note this was written about the Independent Movie Industry, not about Hollywood.