I enjoyed the first two episodes but got a bit frustrated watching the one that covers the prostitutes and pimps.
Holland is light years ahead of the USA and has no such problem, because their prostitutes belong to Unions, have retirement funds, get regular medical checkups and pay taxes. It is an acknowledged fact that there have always been prostitutes since it's known as (The oldest profession in the world) So the more I watched this episode, the more frustrated I got.
My heart goes out to the poor women in this film and the police that have to do something that doesn't need to be done. Holland handles the situation like adults. Whereas the attitude of the US, handles it from a fools approach.
The film touches on how we shame the prostitutes and the people, known as 'Johns' who seek them out. We make it illegal and fine them and put them in jail. Doing all this puts our children at risk. The bullies out there, namely the pimps have plenty of young kids to choose from to either intimidate physically or get them hooked on drugs to make money off of them.
I wish the film had gone more into how the Pimp has been eliminated in Holland because of the acceptance of the reality of the profession. Pimps in the USA bring violence, drugs and death to the women who work for them.
We can see in the film how tons of tax dollars are spent on overworked police departments to go out and handle the prostitution arrests, jailing of the 'Johns'. Then we turn around and use more tax dollars on court proceedings. The film should have shown how enlightened nations like Holland are free of all this madness.
I think the film should have also touched upon the religious attitudes in the US and how they play a role in creating the problem. They could have mentioned how Christians somehow forget that Christ once told a group of self-righteous temple goers... "Even the prostitutes and tax collectors are going into Heaven ahead of you." I think his enlightened outlook could help people whether they have religious beliefs or not.
I like films that also offer answers instead of just showing the problems and people trying to slop their way toward solutions using methods that have proved over and over to be useless.