This movie is good and it's like the Blair Witch Project with a focus on vampires, demons and skin walkers. The story works and the characters that play the monsters do really well. The pace is also good considering it's a b rated film. Is it scary? Yeah. I'd give it a 7.0 in terms of scariness. Now, on to the two major flaws. The first is the slow pick up. Literally the first 20 minutes is well....boring. I wasn't sure if it was worth watching. Glad I hung in there. The 2nd part that sucked royally....was the token black dude. OMG when I read reviews before watching and saw many people complaining, let me say as a black guy...i felt a certain kind of way. However, fast forward, let me say that.... they didn't complain ENOUGH. Wow that black dude really was SUPER ANNOYING. Drove me crazy. He was SO LOUD and OBNOXIOUS, kinda in the way most of the time and was very "black" stereotypical when he talked WHICH WAS ESPECIALLY A LOT in those first 20 minutes I told you about. So if not for these two things, I easily would have given it an 8. Oh and one more bad thing as an honorable mention is the effects. Which I didn't really care about and found it forgivable considering that it was a b-rated film with the shot on "camera" appearance. I recommend the movie and if you're willing, maybe skip the first 15 minutes or maybe turn the volume off lol for 15 minutes.