This show sits a bit above average for me. The story is decent and moves at a steady pace, though it didn't truly grab my attention until the final few episodes. Overall, it's an enjoyable watch, blending comedy, a touch of mystery, and some romance into the mix. While I never thought it was bad, it struggled to leave a lasting impression.
The main character, Yamada, is a bit slow on the uptake but has his moments of humor. The supporting cast is solid, though the series feels like it's spread too thin. There's little development or chemistry between the characters, and the romantic relationships lack meaningful buildup or intimacy. Suddenly, characters are together without much groundwork, which feels rushed and unsatisfying.
I think the series would have benefited from either a smaller cast or a longer runtime to properly flesh out its characters and story. As it stands, it feels like it's ticking off a list of tropes and plot points without adding much depth, charm, or cleverness to them. It's not a bad watch, but it could have been so much more with a bit more focus and effort.