When I heard this spin-off was actually happening; I was at first surprised while also really excited at the possibilities for the story. I am a big fan of the V/H/S movie and Lily's segment was by far my favorite part. It had the right amount of mystery/suspense/gore to leave me infatuated and wanting more.
Fast-forward to the Siren movie and we are given a prequel story to Lily. Much like the segment, a few guys go out looking for a good time but eventually find themselves in a very dangerous situation.
This movie is for a very select demographic, that I just happened to belong.That demographic is the pro Lily demographic where when Lily appears in a movie I'm going to find something to like about it.The acting in this is mainly a miss with a couple of exceptions and the story does have its clichés. There were some other interesting concepts (mainly one) presented but were not fleshed out enough, sad to say. The main and only reason someone should watch this is for Lily. The story really drags without out her as the guys were not interesting in the least.The hints of excellence comes from the inclusion of a new creature that helps carry the story along. Lily's action scenes were also a plus and her characters overall direction throughout the movie. After a good chunk of time the story picks up and for the most part I can safely say I enjoyed what I saw.
I guess as a warning if you are considering giving this movie a try. If you are not a fan of sex and violence in your movies this is something you should stay far away from as that is 85% if not more of this movie. In the stories weak spots they seemed to crank up the those scenes to 11.