About 20 minutes into Do You Take This Man I was thinking it'd be an OK film for mindless viewing. But as it progressed it became a real chore sitting through it.
There's nothing interesting about the story and actually there's really not much of a story. The attempts at making the film seem complex and dramatic feel like an amateur's idea of what makes for a good plot.
Except for one of the main guys being highly irritating the rest of the characters are so forgettable as to be difficult to even notice. The irritating main charactrer is passive aggressively needy, subtly working to be the center of attention and ready to fly off the handle if things don't go his way. Even his love for his soon-to-be husband feels self centered.
The film looks OK though the house it's shot in has a lot to do with that. The music, though spare, is incredibly manipulative. It felt like the music was nudging me and whispering "This is sad...This is warm and meaningful...
If you want something queer to watch and you like TV drama you might enjoy this. Anyone else really shouldn't bother.