Pork Pie is a story of a car thief Luke (James Rolleston), struggling writer Jon (Dean O'Gorman) who recently left his fiancee at the altar, and vegan protester Keira (Ashleigh Cummings). Initially Luke stole the car while running away from some thugs, then ended up picking up a hitchhiking Jon after almost running him over, then picking up Keira, after she quit her fast foot job. The journey turns into them running away from cops, protesting for animal rights, and finally getting Jon to see his fiancee Susie before she leaves for a fresh start in London. And, all the while, as they evade the cops, the story goes around and country tries to cheer for... whatever they're trying to do.
The first three quarters of the movie has funny parts, great driving, great scenery of New Zealand. The three characters work well with each other. It's a fun movie that seems to be going nowhere with no clear goal, but nonetheless a fun ride. Had it ended there, it would have been a quaint movie, but otherwise forgettable.
What really sealed it for me was the last twenty minutes. It changes from a movie where you're laughing at the scenes but not really invested in the characters to where you're really, really rooting for Jon. Not giving anything away but the scene where he says "this is what it's like...me showing up for you"... just... wow.
Oh, and the driver in a mini in a chicken suit-- hilarious!
Those last 20 minutes turned this movie from a 6 to an 8 in my mind. And that's not to say it's a "6" movie with an "8" ending, only that the ending pays off so well, it just puts everything else in context and elevates the movie as a whole.
8/10. watch until the end, and note there are scenes in the credits.