This story begins with a rich businessman by the name of "Aditya Diwan" (Sharman Joshi) and his beautiful wife "Siya Diwan" (Zareen Khan) officiating at the inauguration of a new hospital. As it so happens, Siya had previously had a romantic affair with Aditya's older brother "Vikram Diwan" (Priyanshu Chatterjee) but things didn't turn out very well as he died in an airplane accident and their unborn child miscarried. Even so, Siya is now quite happy and her marriage to Aditya is very strong. However, things begin to get very strange when another rich businessman by the name of "Saurav Singhania" (Karan Singh Grover) invites the two of them to his home where he tells Aditya that in exchange for a large sum of money he wants Siya all to himself for one night. Needless to say, this infuriates Aditya who angrily storms out. But what Aditya doesn't know is that Saurav is prepared to go to incredible lengths to get what he wants. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started out incredibly well but started to lose its momentum about halfway through with the plot becoming more and more ridiculous as it went on. To be fair, Zareen Khan was certainly quite attractive and I liked the manner in which the mystery behind Saurav's reasoning for wanting Siya was kept secret until the very end. But even so, the weaknesses mentioned earlier were much too obvious to be ignored and I have rated this film accordingly. Average.