This short film feels very much like what an American kid would do if they were trying to make a 'European' film, down to the narrator's fake accent, French incidental music and Slavic-y names - to be honest from the other side of the pond the pastiche would be bordering on the offensive if it weren't so obviously made by someone very young and inexperienced, so it comes across more like a college student ostentatiously smoking Gauloises, in a black polar-neck, reading Proust coz they've just got back from a family holiday to Euro Disney.
The cardboard sets are fun although unoriginal, the direction very slow and slilted, and the direction of the actors to be basically emotionaless, presumably to seem clever, comes across as very pretenious and makes the piece really drag - it feels sooooo much longer than it is.
Some of the roles are acted pretty well, and the lead manages to elicit some pathos and humour despite the flat delivery his director required and the lack of a narrative being rather problematic for all involved - again an error of youth to think throwing 'suicide' at a script makes a story - it doesnae.