The cast is known with 'Guldur Guldur' comedy show that has been going for many years now and therefore the actors are familiar with each others and the scenes usually go smooth throughout the movie. However, the main topic is a bit weak and it gets boring from time to time. The director could have done a better job by describing the city (Malatya) to give the audience a better picture. The jokes are 5/10 overall. There has been a tremendous promotion for drugs (mostly marijuana) in Turkish movies over the last decade. Starting with the first Kolpacino movie, made in 2009 by Safak Sezer, there is always a joke related to drug usage, high people doing funny stuff. First of all, its not that funny, maybe it could be funny if you watch those scenes when you are under same drug influence. Second, it promotes drug usage amongst young generation. They think its only funny to use such drugs, the bad effect are not being shown and mentioned in these movies. Anyways, I still give 7/10 for this movie as it implies nice old family relationships in Turkish culture.