I really do like Scandinavian movies and as far as I can remember, there was never a movie from Scandinavia that ever disappointed me. But this movie took me by surprise... It has been 4 days since I've seen this movie at local art-club cinema and yet I still can't stop to think about it. Something changed in my heart and even I'm a very rationale human being, it is difficult to explain why did this movie affect me so deeply. Was it the perfect written story, a subtle story that grabbed me by the soul as how real was it portrayed ? Was it the amazing cinematography of the mysterious and tranquil landscape of Lapland ? Was it the well-balanced camera shots coupled with modest yet powerful and deep soundtrack ? Was it the perfect acting of those young and innocent Saami sisters and the strong bond between them ? Whatever it was, it left me with a powerful and profound feeling inside. And if a movie is capable of achieving exactly this, then it is definitely worth watching.