This film essentially begins with a man by the name of "Todd Jacobson" (Kaiwi Lyman) driving his wife "Jessica Jacobson" (Kim Nielsen) and their teenage daughter "Hailey Jacobson" (Nicole Tompkins) to the town of Amityville, New York where Todd's sister "Shea Jacobson" (Amanda Barton) has just bought a house where they all can live. Although the house is quite large, it becomes immediately apparent that Hailey and Shea have their differences and that it may not be big enough for the two of them to live together amicably. So much so that, after a rather loud argument between them, Hailey decides that she would rather attend her new high school a bit early just to get out of the house. Unfortunately, that isn't the only thing troubling Hailey as she soon encounters several people at her new high school who seemed to have developed an intense dislike for her--and that is just the beginning of her troubles. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film definitely had possibilities but the general lack of character development, coupled with a rather weak ending, left me somewhat disappointed overall. That being said, while I don't consider this to be a terribly bad film necessarily, the faults just mentioned were too obvious to be ignored, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.