It's "Decent TV". It's worth watching because the set-dec is pretty as are the people. I don't care whether or not I'm actually seeing naked people screwing, I have porn for that. I've been meaning to put out a question about "Modern" TV drama (on subscription channels and some networks in Canada) "Where is the line and who draws it between a TV shows and an Adult feature? -off topic but I'm interested in your opinion
It's nice to see beauty at work AND at play, BUT ....if a scene with actively depicted sex goes on longer than 10 seconds, it's being used as filler (pun intended).
Guilt "IS" GUILTY of being dumbed down for USA networks. Canada, our networks handle FAR MORE questionable materiel with ease. Anyone who has been around the worlds it is depicting will understand immediately what I mean when I say it is unrealistic.
The actors play their parts to the fullest the script and censors all, the sets are terrific and the plot, while there may be holes in the credibility about "how" things actually work in these environments, one flaw is balanced by another, positive aspect.
Worth recording for when the shows you LOVE are not playing ...or on demand without commercials would be good as well. I had trouble getting through the 1st ep ... hated it. After the 2nd or 3rd I look forward to seeing it on my PVR's list. xoxo :)